Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sydney in the Winter time

This winter I found myself in the centre of Sydney in Hyde Park seeing places first visited long ago. I noticed I felt just the same now as then though many years have stood in between. The awe in St Mary's, the tangible silence in The War Memorial gazing up at the gold stars on the roof and thinking of those lost to war, a shiver in The Museum as I gazed upon huge creatures just as eerie in fact as when I first went there as a child, the joy watching the water spurt forth from the historical fountain, wandering down the tree lined paths marvelling that so much nature abounds in the heart of a city, gazing upon The Statue of Captain Cook and pondering the changes he bought upon the indigenous peoples of this land by his arrival, the delight of David Jones with a lady playing a grand piano while I swear the very same women from yesteryear elegantly dressed surveyed the lines of French perfumes, then the delight of David Jones Food Hall where treats abound aplenty. In a constantly changing world it was good to find that somethings never change.


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